Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling Library
Hire of slings and carriers
Slings and Carriers can be hired for a four week period or until the next sling library session. We can extend for an additional 1-2 month max if required. Deposite for all slings and carriers (except stretchy wraps) is £50. Hire free is £15 per hire period.
Stretchy wraps only can be hired for 3+ months. Deposit for a stretchy wrap is £30. Hire fee is £5 per hire period.
Terms of Hire
I have been shown how to use this sling safely and understand how to do so.
I accept that I am wholly repsonsible for my safety and that of my child when using the sling.
I understand that Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling library provide peer support and are not liable for any injury that may occur through my use of the sling.
I agree to use the sling solely for its intended purpose.
I will ensure the sling is not used when smoking or near a smoker.
I will protect the carrier from damage by pets, car doors etc.
I understand that the sling remains the property of Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling Library.
I agree to return the sling by the date above, to the venue stated above.
I understand I may be required to make a payment toward a replacement carrier if it is damaged whilst in my possession.
Please note:
Your deposit is forfeited if you fail to return the sling and we may seek to recoup the full cost of the carrier by legal means. A portion of your deposit may be forfeited if the sling is found to be damaged on return.
Cheltenham & Gloucester Sling Library cannot be held responsible for any injury that may result from the use of this sling.
When a carrier is lost or damaged
The replacement of any lost carriers, accessories or instructions will be paid for out of your deposit with additional charges if required. Charges for lost components will be equal to replacement cost (including any postage costs). New items damaged beyond normal wear and tear will be charged at the full price, library/loan carriers similarly damaged will be judged on a case by case basis. Do not smoke when using the carrier or keep it where it will be affected by cigarette smoke. Do not allow animals to be in contact with the carrier.
Hire costs are payable in advance by cash or paypal.
Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling Library
(Not for Profit unassociated organisation)
Email: [email protected]
Hire of slings and carriers
Slings and Carriers can be hired for a four week period or until the next sling library session. We can extend for an additional 1-2 month max if required. Deposite for all slings and carriers (except stretchy wraps) is £50. Hire free is £15 per hire period.
Stretchy wraps only can be hired for 3+ months. Deposit for a stretchy wrap is £30. Hire fee is £5 per hire period.
Terms of Hire
I have been shown how to use this sling safely and understand how to do so.
I accept that I am wholly repsonsible for my safety and that of my child when using the sling.
I understand that Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling library provide peer support and are not liable for any injury that may occur through my use of the sling.
I agree to use the sling solely for its intended purpose.
I will ensure the sling is not used when smoking or near a smoker.
I will protect the carrier from damage by pets, car doors etc.
I understand that the sling remains the property of Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling Library.
I agree to return the sling by the date above, to the venue stated above.
I understand I may be required to make a payment toward a replacement carrier if it is damaged whilst in my possession.
Please note:
Your deposit is forfeited if you fail to return the sling and we may seek to recoup the full cost of the carrier by legal means. A portion of your deposit may be forfeited if the sling is found to be damaged on return.
Cheltenham & Gloucester Sling Library cannot be held responsible for any injury that may result from the use of this sling.
When a carrier is lost or damaged
The replacement of any lost carriers, accessories or instructions will be paid for out of your deposit with additional charges if required. Charges for lost components will be equal to replacement cost (including any postage costs). New items damaged beyond normal wear and tear will be charged at the full price, library/loan carriers similarly damaged will be judged on a case by case basis. Do not smoke when using the carrier or keep it where it will be affected by cigarette smoke. Do not allow animals to be in contact with the carrier.
Hire costs are payable in advance by cash or paypal.
Cheltenham and Gloucester Sling Library
(Not for Profit unassociated organisation)
Email: [email protected]